Episode 1: Just Going For It

Kaleidoscopes, Geisha Studio
January 29, 2011

JM Productions is pleased to present the first episode of the Emerge Through Art web-series, documenting the “inaugural” art and music show, Kaleidoscopes, held at Geisha Studio in downtown Los Angeles. The event was coordinated by Rachel Many, promising a night full of “oodles and oodles” of amazing talent. It featured works by young, local artists Jonathan Escamilla, Molly Kreppel, Norah Eldredge, Wyatt MacDermott, Kelly Morton, Roxy Storm, and Rachel Many herself, along with musical guests Alejandro, Ars Poetria, VerBS, and Raquel Rodriguez.

The episode features interviews with Rachel Many and Molly Kreppel.

Rachel Many is a photographer and sculptor who recently graduated with her Bachelors in Art from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her photographs have been featured in National Geographic. Since leaving college, Many did what most graduating students do: she got a job. Six months later, she felt the draining effect it was having on her creative drive and decided it was time, again, to open her artistic outlet that she’d been missing since leaving school, prompting her to arrange an art show, no matter what it took. In two respects, this reveals aspects of life after art school: first is the threat of losing momentum after graduating due to financial, institutional, and motivational pretexts, and second is the reaction against such a threat, which is to just go for it and continue making art. Days before the event, Many was still left without a venue for Kaleidoscopes. The original space where she had hoped to host the event cancelled on her last minute. At this point she was desperate but still completely determined, which made her resort to Craigslist where she found Geisha Studio and booked the exhibition.


Molly Kreppel is a photographer based in Los Angeles, California. She earned her BFA at Emily Carr University in Vancouver, British Columbia with a focus in photography and critical art theory.


Geisha Studio is a photography and makeup lounge that also rents its space out for film shoots, workshops, showcases, etc.
